The Power of Gratitude

Dec 05 , 2023

The Power of Gratitude

When we stop to allow and fully accept the reality of this current moment - NOW - a calmness and centeredness is revealed and available to us.
There is an old saying ‘where energy goes energy flows’. Which basically means 'you get more of whatever it is that you choose to focus on’. To put it in practical terms for example, when you focus on building a house the end result is….a house! So when we take a minute each day to breathe and ask ourselves the following questions…
What is it that I am grateful for? What is good? What is working? What is valuable? this is where we are choosing to put our focus and these areas of life expand and grow.
When we complain and worry we are basically manifesting more of what we really don’t enjoy. You may have heard the old saying ‘complaining is like praying for what you don’t want’.
When we stop, actually smell the roses, and take stock of what is truly important we are manifesting abundance & encouraging our own individual evolution.
Gratitude journaling is a great way to appreciate the good things in life. Here are some tips to help you get started:
1. Get specific: Be detailed about what you're grateful for.
2. Go deep: Instead of making a long list, focus on one thing and elaborate on it.
3. Personalize it: Direct your gratitude towards people rather than just things.
4. Consider what you'd miss: Imagine how your life would be without certain people or things.
5. View good things as gifts: Appreciate the positive aspects of your life as special gifts.
6. Embrace surprises: Take note of unexpected and surprising events that generate stronger feelings of gratitude.
7. Add variety: If you repeat certain people or things, approach them from a different angle.
8. Make it a habit: Write regularly, whether it's daily or every other day, and stick to your journaling routine.
You will be amazed at how this very simple practice & commitment will expand for you what is good and what is true. It takes just 5 minutes and the positive effects will last a lifetime. Your lifetime.
The more we practice gratitude the more life flows, miracles happened and life blooms.