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First Light Anxi Ease Support 20ml Oral Spray

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Calm Confident Capable

Negative condition: Feeling anxious or nervous, worried, overwhelmed

Positive outcome: Calm, confident, objective, able to cope, staying present

An emotionally calming flower essence blend to support personal equilibrium, inner poise and tranquility during challenging times. Supports you to feel emotionally safe and secure and to trust your intuition. Helps you to have quiet courage, to be present and be open to the magic of the now.

Made in New Zealand

First Light Natural Health® Anxi Ease Support© provides natural support when you are experiencing any of the following:

Feeling nervous or anxious
Feeling out of control and overwhelmed
Coping mechanisms are overloaded
Feeling alone and disconnected
Obsessive or pre-emptive worrying


Feeling calm and at ease
Feel more confident and able to cope
Staying present, being in the moment, open to the magic of the now
Being flexible and open to change
Personal equilibrium, inner poise and tranquility
Maintaining neutrality and objectivity


First Light Natural Health® flower essence blends are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.

100% natural
Animal and plant cruelty free
Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
Carefully made in New Zealand with New Zealand native plants

First Light Natural Health® Anxi Ease Support© is made with award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®:

No 4 Marlborough Rock Daisy
For those who have compulsive/obsessive patterns, anger or overwhelming hidden pain around the issues of self-worth, food, weight, money, spending, possessions, comfort or security. Use when having to adjust to a physically debilitating experience, injury, or physically painful or frightening situation.

No 38 Rasp Fern
To facilitate inner healing, peace and stillness after experiences of emotional/sexual trauma or deep sorrow that have impacted on the soul and are locked into cellular memory. Helps the unconscious mind release the memories that it is not safe to let one’s emotional guard down. Helpful for those who have emotional fears or who feel emotionally scarred by life. Supports one in the journey to emotionally re-connect to life. Use for feelings or experiences of emotional or sexual trauma, damage, or abuse that have impacted upon the soul. Use in everyday situations that have left one feeling emotionally traumatised.

No 45 Matai
Balances, strengthens, protects, energises and clears the sacral chakra -the centre that facilitates the emotional responses to life. Facilitates the necessary adjustments at a sacral chakra level to facilitate the increased vibrational resonance of the Aquarian Age. Use to address a lack of or a diminished sense of self-esteem/worth. First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® No 45 Matai has a feminine aspect and is associated with the flowing yin energies of the feminine. Helps one to enjoy balanced pleasurable relationships so life is viewed as a fulfilling meaningful journey. Use for inappropriate or unbalanced emotional or sexual responses. Use when emotions are running hot and cold – or when emotional responses are fluctuating or out of balance. Helpful for those who constantly feel emotionally dissatisfied or unfulfilled. Helps one to move through change more fluidly. Helps one to shift from being reactive to responsive.

No 52 Nikau Palm
A gentle catalysing effect. Use to release blocks and limiting negative patterns around established negative emotional behaviour patterns. Helps to seed in and restore to conscious awareness practical new improved patterns for right emotional behaviour. Helps one understand, practically apply and become a living embodiment of the spiritual principle of non-attachment in one’s daily life. Use to clear the genetic lineage consisting of both past lives and the family line and to release karmic blocks and negative patterns around boundaries, fluidity and non-attachment. Use to facilitate a personal awakening by releasing limiting core foundational life patterns of negative emotional behaviour.

No 64 Koromiko
Use for protection from emotional tension emitted by others. Suitable for empaths with high degrees of sensitivity who feel they need a stronger boundary between themselves and their environment. Use for a sense of calmness and objectivity, or to avoid being drawn into life dramas. Excellent in a child’s or baby’s bathwater after a busy over-stimulating time. Beneficial for those left alone in life through separation or bereavement. Use for emotional self-sufficiency in times of difficulty when there are few external support structures. Helpful for the scholar, researcher or those who have an inner spiritual focus and who wish to develop their gifts to their full potential. Helpful for those women who feel they do not fit into the traditional role of the ‘mother’.

No 96 Sword Fern
Maintaining objectivity; identifying the main issue; valuing others viewpoints; relaying information concisely; clarity of communication; not twisting words to suit; severing outworn energetic cords or ties.

No 102 Tree Daisy
Accessing the Middle World - the magical version of our conscious or everyday reality; to gain information or solve everyday problems pertinent to waking life.

No 122 Fairy Bouquet Orchid
Calming; creates a powerful magical connection with the element of water; anchors in spiritual light from the west; energetically prepares, tones, aligns and upgrades the sacral chakra to facilitate a quantum shift to cosmic awareness.

How to Use:

Easy to use 20ml oral spray. Spray 2-4 times directly under the tongue.

Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily. Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily.

Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required.
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.

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